
Friday, May 2, 2008

How Sweet It Was

Ah, sweet nostalgia-no really sweet nostalgia-the kind that involves classic candy of days long past. If you had only saved the candy wrappers in a big old box wouldn't it be fun to take them out and reminisce. Well, someone did just that and they're sharing their collection with the World Wide Web on a site called The Candy Wrapper Museum.

These are not images of facsimiles, but of the original wrappers from back in the day. Here are just some of the classic candy wrappers on display there:
  • Ruth's Home Run Bar
  • 1940 Hershey Bar
  • 1931 Zero Bar
  • 1950 Planters Bar

And so many more classic goodies. Visit The Candy Wrapper Museum and take a stroll down your sweet tooth's memory lane!

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