
Monday, May 5, 2008

Good As Golden

On the Information Superhighway you'll come across countless blogs that invite you into the lives of their authors. Some are actually worth reading. Such is the case with Lucy's Golden Spiral Journal.

Why is it such an enjoyable read? Is it her engaging style? The richly detailed personal stories? Whatever the ineffable "it" is, clearly this blog started by an 86 year old grandmother, has it in spades.

Here's an excerpt from one of her recent posts:

What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you make a conscious decision, work for and eventually achieve that goal? If you, like me are a woman born in the first quarter of the 20th century, I'd wager your answer would be a resounding, "Heck, No!"

The occupations open and acceptable to young women of my class and generation were service-oriented and circumscribed: one could be a teacher (probably not an administrator), a nurse (seldom a doctor), a secretary (hardly ever an executive) or a beautician who most likely didn't own a business any bigger than a shop in the back of her home.

Read her musings on family, love, politics, and just about everything else under the sun that's worth having an opinion on and see if you don't find her observations, delivered with humor and wit, are spot on accurate!

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