
Friday, March 20, 2009

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #26

This week's quiz features a series of true/false questions about Facebook. How familiar are you with the terminology associated with this increasingly popular social networking site? Let's see!

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #26

  1. Generally speaking, when you "poke" someone on Facebook, you're trying to get their attention.

  2. True


  3. The section of a user's profile page where you can post a message is called "the wall."

  4. True


  5. When you post what you're doing, or what's on your mind, that's known as a "status update."

  6. True


  7. A "friend request" is not the same thing as a "poke" on Facebook.

  8. True


  9. The "news feed" is an important Facebook feature located on a user's home page.

  10. True


Good luck!

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