
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #22

Yes, Internet acronyms can be difficult to decipher--especially if you're a newbie. But let's face it, since they're ubiquitous in the World of the Web, it pays to be familiar with the most common ones at least. That's what today's quiz is about. How well do you know your 'Net acronyms? Let's see!

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #22

  1. AIM stands for "AOL Instant Messenger."

  2. True


  3. When you see LOL in an e-mail or chat session, it's shorthand for "Laugh Out Loud."

  4. True


  5. FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions."

  6. True


  7. DSL stands for "Digital Supersonic Line."

  8. True


  9. WWW is not an acronym for "World Wide Web."

  10. True


Good luck!

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