
Friday, November 21, 2008

Quiz Yourself On Popular Blogging Terms

It seems like everyone has a blog these days-maybe you even have one-but, how well versed are you on the lingo associated with blogging?

Take our quiz and find out!

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #11

  1. A blogroll can be defined as which of the following?

  2. All the blogs on the Web

    The list of blogs that someone links to from his/her own blog

    A list of blogs that are no longer active

    A service on the Web that alerts you when a blog has been updated

  3. What is a permalink?

  4. The term for the URL or Web address for a particular blog post

    An Web site that lists blogs that have been recently updated

    A Web site or service that recommends blogs to read

    Another term for blog directory

  5. Collectively, all the blogs on the Web are commonly referred to as?

  6. The Blogorama

    The Blogosphere

    The Blogverse

    The Blogroll

  7. RSS is an acronym that stands for what?

  8. Really Simple Syntax

    Readily Scalable Syntax

    Right Side Sidebar

    Really Simple Syndication

  9. A video Web log is more commonly referred to as which of the following?

  10. A TV blog

    A Camblog

    A Vlog

    A Cineblog

Good luck!

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