
Friday, October 24, 2008

Test Your Web Search Smarts

Think you're a savvy Web searcher? See how well you do on our short multiple choice quiz about Web search!

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #7

  1. _______ are computer programs used by search engines to help them catalogue Web content.

  2. List servers




  3. How do you tell Google to search for an exact phrase?

  4. Put quotation marks around the phrase

    Put question marks around the phrase

    Put exclamation marks around the phrase

    Put commas around the phrase

  5. Which of the following terms tells Google to restrict searches to University Web sites only?

  6. site:university

    search educational resources only



  7. In Google, what symbol do you type in front of a word to exclude it from the search results?

  8. &




  9. What do you call a program that allows you to simultaneously use multiple search engines?

  10. A bot engine

    A meta-search engine


    A botnet

Good luck!

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