
Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Well Do You Know Your Computer?

How do you get onto the Internet? You probably use a computer, right? Then, in addition to becoming more savvy about the Internet, it makes sense to be familiar with computer and computer-related terminology as well-and that's exactly the subject of today's quiz!

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #4

  1. The term CPU is an acronym for which of the following?

  2. Central Processing Unit

    Core Processing Unit

    Central Programming Unit

    Core Processing Unix

  3. Where would you most likely find a scroll wheel?

  4. On your keyboard

    On your computer monitor

    On your mouse

    On your bicycle

  5. Which of the following terms is commonly used in relation to a computer's processing speed?

  6. HTML




  7. Which of the following is sometimes referred to as the "brains" of a computer?

  8. The Monitor

    The CPU

    The USB port

    The Modem

  9. BIOS is an acronym that stands for which of the following?

  10. Binary Internet/Online System

    Basic Input/Output System

    Basic Internet/Online System

    Binary Input/Operating System

Good luck!

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