
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Test Your 'Net IQ

Starting today we're going to be introducing a fun new way to learn more about the Internet right here at The Senior Surfer: A brand new category called "Test Your 'Net IQ" wherein we'll periodically offer quizzes about the Internet and World Wide Web. Each quiz will consist of 5 questions and the format will be either multiple choice or True/False.

Our first Test Your 'Net IQ quiz is multiple choice:

Test Your 'Net IQ - Quiz #1

  1. The "E" in E-mail stands for what?

  2. Eclectic




  3. Which of the following is not a computer programming language?

  4. XML




  5. ISP is an acronym for which of the following?

  6. Internet Specialty Protocol

    Internet Service Provider

    Internet Systems Proffesional

    Internet Symbiotic Procedure

  7. Which of the following best describes ebay?

  8. An onlince e-mail provider

    An Web site design firm

    An online auction site

    An anti-virus software program

  9. Which of the following best defines the popular site MySpace?

  10. An online social networking site

    An online auction site

    An online health site

    An online realtor

Good luck!

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