
Monday, May 19, 2008

How To Get The Most Out Of Microsoft's ClearType Technology

Have you heard about Microsoft's ClearType technology? ClearType is a Microsoft innovation in font display that's designed to make text on a computer screen easier to read-especially on LCD displays.

If your operating system is Windows Vista, ClearType is on by default, so you're already taking advantage of it without doing anything. On the other hand, if your computer is running the older XP operating system, you'll have to turn this feature on, and you can do that by going to Microsoft's Online ClearType Tuner and following their instructions.

You can also use the Online ClearType Tuner to fine tune the program's settings-and both XP and Vista users can use it for that function! Again, just click on the link above and follow the steps presented on the site.

To learn more about this font display innovation visit Microsoft's ClearType Information Page.

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