
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

E-cards You'll Be Proud To Send

Does the prospect of sending out e-cards at the holidays make you cringe? Let's face it, sending an e-card just doesn't feel the same as sending a good old-fashioned Christmas card you can hold in your hands. But what if the idea behind the e-card is to help spread awareness about a good cause? Might make you reconsider, right?

Such is the case with the Make-A-Wish e-Cards that you'll find at (read about in a previous article). These e-cards even feature art work by some of the Make-A-Wish kids themselves, and sending one to friends and relatives is a simple way to spread the word about this terrific organization.

It's free to send an e-card, though you will have to agree to receive e-mail updates from the organization. As for selection, there are several holiday-themed cards to choose from, so you should have no trouble finding one that suits your tastes.

See, sending e-cards at the holidays can be quite an appropriate gesture after all, don't you think?

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