
Friday, October 19, 2007

Where To Ask Your Small Biz Questions

Got a small business question but don't know where to find someone who's qualified to answer it? Try the ask the expert sections of the following sites that champion the cause of small business owners and would-be entrepreneurs:

  • - On the homepage of SCORE, a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration, you can type in the appropriate keywords and quickly locate experts who will answer your business questions by e-mail.

  • - If you Ask a Question of the experts and they publish it on their Web site you'll be notified by e-mail. Even if they don't elect to answer your question, you might still find the answer you're looking for in their extensive business question and answer database.

  • - Type in your question at the Ask Entrepreneur section of the Web site and you'll be informed by e-mail when it's answered. Expect to receive your answer within 3-5 business days, although they can't guarantee that every question will be answered. You can also check their question and answer archive-someone else might have already asked the same question.

Don't keep those business questions bouncing around in your head-ask a business pro online at one of the sites above, instead!

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