
Monday, September 17, 2007

A Unique Way To Reduce Spam: Disposable E-mail Addresses

How many times have you avoided registering at a site because you didn't want to divulge your e-mail address for fear of all the spam or unwanted junk e-mail you might receive? One possible solution to your problem could be to use what is known as disposable or temporary e-mail addresses.

Disposable e-mail addresses work like this: You sign up for an e-mail account that's designed to remain active for only a short period of time-24 hours or so-just enough time to use it for a site you'd like to register at but one from which you don't want to receive any future e-mails.

Here are a few places on the Web that offer free disposable e-mail addresses:

Disposable e-mail addresses are perfect for those times when you need to provide an e-mail address but don't want to worry about receiving more spam!

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