
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Where To Find Senior-Friendly Computer Accessories

Do you ever ask, Why can't someone make it easier for a senior like me to use the computer? Why can't I have a keyboard with larger letters that are easier to see or a mouse that's less stressful on my hand? If you're like many seniors, you probably wish they would start listening to the computer needs of senior citizens for a change.

Well, the good news is that someone has begun to listen!

SmartSolutionPartners(, for example-started in 2003 by a mother and daughter, Myrna and Risa Arin-sprang up for just that purpose. They offer a line of products designed to meet the special computer needs of older individuals like you.

Here's a sample of some of the products you can purchase from their online store:
  • Large Letter Keyboards
  • Text Magnification Software
  • Ergonomically designed Mice and Trackballs
  • Anti Glare Computer Glasses

Next time you're wondering if anyone has a product that could make your computer life easier, give them a look-you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find!


  1. Hi Senior Surfer...I saw thru my trusty sitemeter that a website with your URL had stopped in at my blogpage. Of course I had to check it out!

    I will also take a peek at the link for mobility situations you provided, (they sound interesting) I live in a "retirement community" and apparently out of all the oldsters living the easy life here I am the only one who knows about computer "stuff". I've been blogging for six years and had my original website (I use that for politics) since 1999.

    Anyway, the two women who schedule "Lifestyle Activities" (we call them our Cruise Directors) every month have me down for "introducing" computers to the folks here. Especially to get them started with an e-mail account...(so their grandchildren can e-mail lots of news to them. Yeah, right!! Haha)

    Anyway, one of the women had a bad stroke and has a huge problem with her "mouse" hand, manipulating the mouse I mean. Another woman, 85 years old, wanted an email account too, but her mouse hand was way too shaky, too. But she's determined to plug away with it. And I say....Good for her!!!

    SO...I told them about the options available for mobility problems. And it's from Microsoft. The Microsoft website has all kinds of "stuff" explaining what they offer for every problem someone may have. Darn it, I should have dug up the URLs for those Microsoft Products pages.....

    Anyway, thought I would drop you a line here now, and if anyone is interested I will go scrabbling around my notepads and find the links for those Microsoft products and suggestions. You could e-mail me if you want more info?

    Or I could just come on back as soon as I find those links?????

    My e-mail is

    See ya later--


    Resource Guide for Individuals with Dexterity Difficulties and Impairments

    Types of Assistive Technology Products

    ~~~There's that little on-screen keyboard that can be utilized with a joystick or something else (forgot what it was)---but there's help if you go to "Programs" -- then Click on "Accessories" and on over to "Accessibility" and finally the little drop-down and click on On-screen-keyboard.

    And away they go? Ummm, it's a start, OK?

  3. Hi Lorraine,

    Thank you for providing those additional links! I think many senior surfers will find them helpful!

