
Monday, March 26, 2007

A Quick Way To Magnify A Web Page

Are you like many seniors who complain that the text size is too small at many of the web pages you visit? If this is one of your pet peeves, you'll be happy to know that there's a quick and simple trick you can do with your keyboard and mouse that will allow you to magnify practically any web page you're on and make it easier to read.

Here's how:
  1. Using your left hand, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
  2. While keeping the Ctrl key depressed, roll the mouse wheel (located on top of mouse) forward with your right index finger.

It's as simple as that! This trick creates the effect that you're "zooming in" to the web page you're on, making the text appear larger. To "zoom out" simply keep the Ctrl key depressed while rolling the mouse wheel backwards.

Give it a try right now while reading The Senior Surfer!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! My nose is just a tad out of joint....I was surprised to learn about this easy "zooming" for larger text -- gee-whiz, I thought I knew everything. LOL

    Before I had my blogpage, I used my original website "The Mousetrap" to write stuff... I'll be using it for political rants and raves (later) and keep my Moldie Oldies stashed there, too. ~~Moldie Oldies are old blogs I decided were way too wonderful to throw away. (it's hard to be humble)
