
Friday, February 2, 2007

How To Meet Bestselling Authors Online

How many times have you read a wonderful book and wondered what it would be like to discuss it with its author? In the past that meant going to a book signing, but if there wasn't one near you, well, you were out of luck. Now, thanks to the power of the web you have another option!

Barnes & has recently introduced Barnes & Noble Book Clubs, which include message boards where, you'll not only be able to discuss bestselling books with other readers, but, in many cases with the actual authors themselves!

To join the book clubs just follow these easy steps:
  1. Go to Barnes & Noble Book Clubs.
  2. Click on register at the top of the page.
  3. Follow the instructions on the registration page - include a username, password and valid e-mail address. Read the terms of use and accept them by checking the appropriate box. Then click Register Now.
  4. You'll receive a confirmation e-mail with simple instructions for you to follow to complete the registration process.

That's all there is to it. Now go mingle with those bestselling authors!

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