
Monday, January 22, 2007

Swap That Gift Card For Something You Really Want

Here's the scenario: You just got a gift card that you really didn't want and now you don't know what to do with it. In the past, you didn't have too many options - you could either let it collect dust somewhere, use it reluctantly, or just give it away.

Today, however, you have another option - you can sell it or trade it at a gift card swap site like,,, or, among others that have sprung up on the web recently.

Depending on the terms and conditions of the particular gift card swap site you use, you'll have some or all of the following options:

  • Get cash for your unwanted gift card - typically a percentage of the card's balance.
  • Sell the gift card to other users of the service or swap it for a different one.
  • Purchase other gift cards at a discount.

Again, since terms and conditions may vary it's important as always to read the fine print, but these sites just might offer you a solution for the problem of an unwanted gift card!

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